Herbots Championship

Het kampioenschap is ingedeeld in verschillende klassementen. Meer uitleg vindt u in ons reglement.
Hieronder tonen we u de top drie van elk klassement. Bij elk klassement kunt u doorklikken naar de volledige resultatenlijst.


B. Algemeen klassement nationaal oude/jaarse

1 Brugmans Sabrina 22890pts.
2 Lismont Patrick 21120pts.
3 Vanmeert Roger & Koen 20890pts.

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C. Algemeen klassement nationaal jonge

1 Vrancken Berden 7765pts.
2 Schroyen - Stockmans 6685pts.
3 Schepmans Erwin 4350pts.

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F.A. Algemeen klassement oude/jaarse (Vlaanderen)

1 Brugmans Sabrina 22890pts.
2 Lismont Patrick 21120pts.
3 Vanmeert Roger & Koen 20890pts.

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F.B. Totaal snelheid en halve fond jonge (Vlaanderen)

1 Vrancken Berden 7765pts.
2 Schroyen - Stockmans 6685pts.
3 Schepmans Erwin 4350pts.

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G. Fond oude/jaarse (Vlaanderen)

1 Cleirbaut Kris 8920pts.
2 LEMMENS Ulrich 8360pts.
3 Vermassen David 7380pts.

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H. Halve fond oude/jaarse (Vlaanderen)

1 Brugmans Sabrina 18220pts.
2 Lismont Patrick 14280pts.
3 Beelen Daniel 12835pts.

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I. Snelheid oude/jaarse (Vlaanderen)

1 Stakenborg Peter 14950pts.
2 Platteau Ante enTom 12030pts.
3 Vanmeert Roger & Koen 10240pts.

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J. Snelheid jonge (Vlaanderen)

1 Vrancken Berden 5830pts.
2 Schroyen - Stockmans 5710pts.
3 Schepmans Erwin 4350pts.

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K. Halve fond jonge (Vlaanderen)

1 Hermans - Bonne 2085pts.
2 Vrancken Berden 1935pts.
3 Steveninck Benny 1635pts.

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F.A. Classement general vieux/yearlings (Wallonie)

1 Clabots P & F 19200pts.
2 Bodson Jean et Franck 18880pts.
3 PIERRE Roger & David 15910pts.

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F.B. Total vitesse et demi-fond pigeonneaux (Wallonie)

1 AUSTEN Ghislain 2740pts.
2 GOEMAERE José et Gustave 2100pts.
3 Bodson Jean et Franck 2090pts.

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G. Fond vieux/yearlings (Wallonie)

1 Casaert-Senechal 6140pts.
2 HARCHIES Christian & Cyril 5360pts.
3 Gergely Daniel - Florian 4540pts.

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H. Demi-fond vieux/yearlings (Wallonie)

1 Clabots P & F 12380pts.
2 DECELLE Robert 9120pts.
3 Delhez didier 8685pts.

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I. Vitesse vieux/yearlings (Wallonie)

1 Bodson Jean et Franck 12400pts.
2 Francois - Delporte 9700pts.
3 Vanhoucke Aland 8430pts.

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J. Vitesse pigeonneaux (Wallonie)

1 AUSTEN Ghislain 2560pts.
2 NOTTEBAERT Christophe 2080pts.
3 GOEMAERE José et Gustave 1830pts.

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K. Demi-fond - pigeonneaux (Wallonie)

1 DEFAAZ M&G 705pts.
2 DELHEZ Aurore 660pts.
3 ZECCHINON Lucien 645pts.

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